Monday, July 25, 2011

24 Years

Today, July 25th, is my sweet parents 24th anniversary! AH that's so amazing! 24! Which means next year will be their 25th year anniversary on the 25th! Good grief PADRE, you've got to do something super special! Isn't that the "golden anniversary"? Just sayin. Big deal! Growing up my dad had really awesome (and hilarious) gift ideas. One year, he got my mom one those foldable chairs that you bring to baseball games. You know, the ones that fit into that bag? He found a DOUBLE of those chairs so two were sewn together... So it was a super huge jumbo bag of chairs that we took to all of my brothers baseball games. And watching my mom's reaction while she opened the present was priceless. Maybe not what she expected, but it's the thought that counts right? 

My dad is probably the funniest person I know. Really, I'm serious. He has a dry sense of humor and it always has me laughing. He always looks for the best in people. He is a constant reminder that you need to work to the best of your ability. He's such a hard worker and I've never once heard him complain. I'm so thankful for him. 

My mom has such a servants heart. She has always taught our family to put others first and to serve without expecting anything in return. She really is the rock in our family and I don't know where we would be without her. I'm so thankful for her.

So for their anniversary, my little brother and sister and I cooked them dinner. We made all of their favorites and we wouldn't allow them to clean anything up. Even if I'm the not good at cooking at ALL, again, it's the thought that counts right?

They are so precious. Mom and dad, if y'all are reading this, I hope you know that I'm so thankful for you two. Happy 24th Anniversary! 

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