Sunday, May 8, 2011

Free fallin

So yesterday was one of the scariest days of my life. And I'm so glad it happened. A few months ago, Cecilia and I got the great idea to go skydiving. We convinced two of our friends, Joe and Jonathan, to come with us. Finally, we made an appointment to carry this out and drove to Cullman, AL and actually did it! I know what you're thinking, YOU. HAVE. LOST. IT. But, it's not true. It was amazing. 


Dear shoe,
Wherever you landed, I hope you were greeted with a warm reception. 
Sincerely, I only had you for a month. Thanks a lot.

PTL for knocking one thing off my bucket list. P.S. give some hugs to the great moms you have! Happy mothers day! P.S.S. In honor of this post, heres the two songs I was singing in my head the whole way down. True story.

P.S.S.S. who's up for hand-gliding? Holla at me.

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