Sunday, March 25, 2012


The Lord is so faithful. 

I've had this weight on my heart since I've returned from Ethiopia the summer after my freshman year to serve in some way at some point again in Africa. For the past year and a half I've been prayerful that I will be able to discern what God wants me to do and where He desires me to serve. So in December I filled out an application to serve in Nairobi, Kenya with Buckner International Missions and was recently accepted! I literally could not feel more excited and blessed to have the opportunity to serve alongside Buckner and love the people of Kenya well. I'll be gone from May 31st-July 1st, so just about four weeks, and again, CANNOT be more excited.

I'll be doing my favorite thing ever, building relationships through contact work with the people in Kenya. There are more than 2.3 million orphans in Kenya, with 1.1 million orphaned due to HIV/AIDS. And the Lord has granted me the opportunity to serve those children for four weeks this summer!

So as the coming weeks will be full of raising support, preparing my heart, finishing classes, and collecting supplies for the trip, I ask for your prayers! I cannot wait to be going back to Africa and am so thrilled to be getting the chance to serve in Kenya, but it can't be done without prayer! So I ask for your prayers as I'm preparing and during my travel there. To pray specifically in the areas of preparing my heart for this trip, for being intentional with everything that needs to be done, for the ability to love and serve the people of Kenya well, and to completely glorify God.


I'll be going through ItsYourMission !!

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